Wednesday, 6 May 2009
My Island Caretaker Winner - A Briton!
For details of Ben, please click the link: Islandcaretaker
Taken from his journal as part of the blog task:
Coral absolutely everywhere and in all shapes, sizes and colours with a multitude of fish swimming around them – almost too many to count and understandably so, with 1500 species of fish calling the Great Barrier Reef their home. I’ve dived in some amazing other locations in the world before but the sheer concentration of corals here really blew every other experience out of the water (no pun intended). Stag coral, Finger coral, Brain coral all vying for position, gripping at every available place along the reef looking akin to an underwater forest. I’ve seen the rainforests of central Africa and now I was witnessing the underwater equivalent in Queensland!
My Top 16 Islandcaretakers' Highlights
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
My Thoughts on Top 16 Finalists Blogs
Im providing you the links of the blogs prepared by each of the finalists.
This is not the only criteria for TQ's decision, but personally, the blog somehow shows how effective the "chosen one"to promote this wold heritage to the world. I extracted some interesting phrases from their journals - describing the places they have visited, and the activities they have experienced vying for the islandreefjob!
Click HERE to continue...
Monday, 4 May 2009
My Island Caretaker Winner
Sunday, 3 May 2009
My updates for the top 16
For additional updates, visit this link: Ning community
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
My thank you message to my supporters
As I mentioned in my blog banner, I will still maintain this site as part of my travelling experience. Rest assured that, when the time comes that I will visit the Great Barrier Reef, I will post here my experiences while visiting the world heritage site, including my trips to Queensland as a whole. There is a big chance that I will be back to Brissy to attend my UQ's (Uni of Qld) formal graduation in the near future.
Again, thank you and Im looking forward to seeing Hamilton Island!
Saturday, 28 March 2009
My Slumjob Islandcaretakers Playlist
For the results, visit this link:IslandReefJob
Saturday, 14 March 2009
My Personal Endorsement - Anny Chih (Canada)
You can visit her blogsite as well at: Anny Chih
Sunday, 1 March 2009
My fifth batch of the fav video applications
Again, this is my own choice of clips and I know you have your own list of potentials. Thanks for James shorlist application link and Hailey's discussion on 50 hopefulls which provided me easy way to find some of them and watched their videos.
Watch out for the second to the last batch of my ten top video application playlist. Keep watching... who knows you are in my list. For updates and detailed selection of my playlist, visit my my youtube channel, Worldbestjob2009.
If you havent seen the first three batches, watch the playlists here: My top ten fav vid playlist part 1, My top ten fav vid playlist part 2 , My top ten fav playlist part 3 and My top ten fav playlist 4. Dont miss my finale batch of hopefulls, "Slumdog Playlist" which gives more surprises, fun and entertainment for everyone!
Note: For easy viewing, just click the solid "arrow" at the middle of the screen or at both sides which will directly go to the next video without really opening the youtube link. You can watch the videos simultaneously without clicking the arrows as well, otherwise you want to skip from one to the other.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
My fourth batch of the best video applications
Again, this is my own choice of clips and I know you have your own list of potentials. Thanks for James shorlist application link and Hailey's discussion on 50 hopefulls which provided me easy way to find some of them and watched their videos.
Watch out for the second to the last batch of my ten top video application playlist. Keep watching... who knows you are in my list. For updates and detailed selection of my playlist, visit my my youtube channel, Worldbestjob2009.
If you havent seen the first three batches, watch the playlists here: My top ten fav vid playlist part 1 and My top ten fav vid playlist part 2 and My top ten fav playlist part 3. Dont miss my finale batch of hopefulls, "Slumdog Playlist" which gives more surprises, fun and entertainment for everyone!
Note: For easy viewing, just click the solid "arrow" at the middle of the screen or at both sides which will directly go to the next video without really opening the youtube link. You can watch the videos simultaneously without clicking the arrows as well, otherwise you want to skip from one to the other.
Friday, 27 February 2009
My third fav video playlist applications
Again, this is my own choice of clips and I know you have your own list of potentials. Thanks for James shorlist application link and Hailey's discussion on 50 hopefulls which provided me easy way to find some of them and watched their videos.
Watch out for the second to the last batch of my ten top video application playlist. Keep watching... who knows you are in my list. For updates and detailed selection of my playlist, visit my my youtube channel, Worldbestjob2009.
If you havent seen the first three batches, watch the playlists here: My top ten fav vid playlist part 1 and My top ten fav vid playlist part 2 and My top ten fav playlist part 3. Dont miss my finale batch of hopefulls, "Slumdog Playlist" which gives more surprises, fun and entertainment for everyone!
Note: For easy viewing, just click the solid "arrow" at the middle of the screen or at both sides which will directly go to the next video without really opening the youtube link. You can watch the videos simultaneously without clicking the arrows as well, otherwise you want to skip from one to the other.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
My officially approved application for the job
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
My second playlist for the top video applications
Again, this is my own choice of clips and I know you have your own list of potentials. Thanks for James shorlist application link and Hailey's discussion on 50 hopefulls which provided me easy way to find some of them and watched their videos.
Watch out for the third batch of my ten top video application playlist. Keep watching... who knows you are in my list. For updates and detailed selection of my playlist, visit my my youtube channel, Worldbestjob2009.
If you havent seen my first batch, watch the playlist here: My top ten fav vid playlist part 1
Note: For easy viewing, just click the solid "arrow" at the middle of the screen or at both sides which will directly go to the next video without really opening the youtube link. You can watch the videos simultaneously without clicking the arrows as well, otherwise you want to skip from one to the other.
Monday, 23 February 2009
My first playlist for the top fav video applications
Again, this is my own choice of clips and I know you have your own list of potentials. Thanks for James shorlist application link and Hailey's discussion on 50 hopefulls which provided me easy way to find some of them and watched their videos.
Watch out for the second batch of my ten top video application playlist. Keep watching... who knows you are in my list. For updates and detailed selection of my playlist, visit my my youtube channel, Worldbestjob2009.
Note: For easy viewing, just click the solid "arrow" at the middle of the screen or at both sides which will directly go to the next video without really opening the youtube link. You can watch the videos simultaneously without clicking the arrows as well, otherwise you want to skip from one to the other.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
My message to Tourism Queensland

Ive already watched more than 600 videos by random selection from the list of the applicants who applied in the job, and it is a tough job for Tourism Queensland to decide in the next stage of the competition - who will be lucky enough to be included in the top 50 spots.
It is a time consuming activity for having my own favourites which Tourism Queensland doesnt pay me for doing this, but it is a learning process to learn more about people and GBR. By doing this, I could generate my own top 50 applicants for the job (not to mention myself) and hoping that I will not miss some of the interesting clips that might captivate my imagination and cretivity. And of course, if Tourism Queensland found my top selection, then it will help them narrow down their own selection. I dont have the persuasion to do that, but again it is my wishful thinking that my selection is truly enough represents TQ's objective to get the right person for the job!
To my friends in Ning community, good luck and watch out for my top fav video playlist to be revealed on or before March 1, 2009, prior to Tourism Queesland announcement of its own top 50. This will be posted in WorldBestJob2009 youtube channel. By the way, Im also using James' shortlist application link to facilitate my selection from youtube channels where all the video application are currently active for viewing and voting.
Overall, doing this application is a wonderful experience that I will not forget as long as I live. Even if I will not be selected, I will continue supporting those lucky ones to achieve their ultimate dream and my blogsite will also serve my travel diary in pursuit of my own dream to visit the Great Barrier Reef, maybe not the island caretaker but a "visitor" or a "researcher"... Im not conceding my application but whatever happens, there is always a good reason for every thing and I accept the final verdict on March 2, 2009... Good luck to the rest of the applicants...
UPDATES: According to Craig and Linda of Indietravelpodcast, the PR team of Tourism Queensland announced that the total applications received - 34,684 from over 200 countries; over 7,500 on the weekend; US topped the highest number of applicants with 11,565, from Canada with 2791, UK with 2,262 and finally Australia with 2,064.
Monday, 16 February 2009
My GBR environmental (green) agenda

On the contrary, like Australia or Queensland in particular, tourism is a threat to the social, ecological and cultural dimensions of the region. In other words, there are environmental challenges and issues that need to be addressed in GBR both for the short and long term periods.
One of the members of Island caretaker Ning's community website asked me some basic questions on relation to environmental management of GBR as part of my application - being the first Filipino Island Caretaker of this world heritage site.
Many people are interested in visiting Queensland because of this promotion. What do you think about the effects of mass fly-in tourism on the environment?
Generally, it will entails additional routes/schedules both land, sea and air going to the region which somehow leads to the increase of traffic and additional usage of aircrafts, at the same time more land travel both cars and trains, including commercial/domestic vessels. With this increase in the various modes of transport going in and out of the region, more pollution will be created on air, water and land.
Specifically, there are short and long-term direct impacts of recreational and marine tourism on the environment. Some of these effects will manifest immediately and some of them will be compounded through time if these problems will not be addressed accordingly.
With this global job search for GBR, it is expected that more visitors will travel to the region which could bring additional ecological, social and cultural impacts. These impacts are explicitly identified in the CRC Reef Research Centre's 2003 report.
What do you think are the unique environmental challenges faced by the Great Barrier Reef?
Mainly, these challenges are mostly directed to activities created by tourists and business operators such as follows: (a) water based activities (diving, snorkeling, fishing); (b) marine life interaction (watching of whales, turtles, seabirds, fish feeding); (c) ship/boat related activities (anchoring, mooring, fishing, racing); and waste generation (liquid and solid wastes from the above activities).
This is "not" really unique to GBR, but also happening to other islands around the world, like in my home country the Philippines which has 7,107 islands. Unlike GBR, the Philippines is experiencing more degradation of marine life because of illegal fishing through using explosives and large-scale commercial fishing.
If you win the position, how would you like to showcase the message of environmental protection?
A six-month contract is not enough to focus on these environmental issues and challenges that this marine eco-system is facing. But in my own little way and initiative, taking advantage of my position as the island caretaker, I will do my best to identify short term strategies to mitigate these impacts for QT to implement towards proper long term management of this heritage site.
In addition, hopefully maintaining a blog and media exposure will increase the awareness of people on practical and simple things to save these corals and other marine life in GBR. Regular consultations with the local people, operators and tourists will be a strategy to bring out the importance of environmental protection.
What I am really envisioned during my employment, aside from doing my regular responsibilities, I will do a massive campaign on solid waste management. Brochures and flyers will be distributed to all business establishment operators and the like, which are readily accessible to visitors and guests. These materials highlight relevant information on basic tips on enjoyable stay without a significant "footprint" on GBR. Finally, this information dissemination campaign could also cover DO'S and DON’TS while visiting the world heritage site in terms of restrictions on bringing-out marine specimen as souvenirs and promoting codes-of-practice in snorkeling, fishing and diving.
What do you think? Am I qualified to do the job?
Well, my environmental slogan for the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is Go...Ban...Rubbish
Click the image for one of the useful links for Marine Debris.

Sunday, 15 February 2009
My best Filipino competitor
Anyway, I did it differently from what others expected to have it in the video by showing to QT that "an ordinary worker of a food chain (with a basic salary) has the same opportunity to dream and apply for the best job in the world". My video serves an aspiration to ordinary working class people to have their ultimate dream job that will provide happiness and fulfillment in life - helping their families for a better future!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
My friendly island caretaker hopefulls
The site becomes influential in spreading QT's quest to get the best applicant worldwide and personally, it is my source of information on the search updates and of course to find who is/are my rival/s for the position. Susie's initiative is becoming a part of the growing links for this job search.
The other person whom I would like to introduce here is Zellie (Jennifer) and frankly I found her jolly and energetic as her video application showed this personality. I also watched her bloopers - trying to perfect her video application to meet QT's requirements.
SusieParish Video Application
Zellie Video Application
NOTE: Their personal blogs are featured here as well, located at the
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
My little cutie competitors
What is your thought having them in the island - helping their father feed the fish and clean the pool? C'mon, vote for them... oh no, what I mean for their DAD!
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
My aim - to be the top best applicant

Honestly, Im thinking to submit another application and use Philippines as the country of origin, instead of UK due to the following reasons - Filipinos are curious with other Filipinos especially for this international competition! In this way, I could get more "hits" and votes from them. Secondly, only few people really knows where's Co Antrim (which is in Northern Ireland) and quite difficult to justify why I did not use Philippines in the application.
So if you want to check if I achieve my aim, then click the links below and if you havent voted yet, then this is the time to give me stars!
UK Most Popular Applicants
Most Popular Applicants
This is the link if you want to find out who is leading application from the Philippines...
Philippine Most Popular
This is an exciting experience to me and I received alot of good comments regarding my application. My application also able to find my friends around the world that I did not have contacts/communications for years. So, it is a way to reconnect with close friends!
Friday, 6 February 2009
My Wish - If I could have this job
The location is not new to me since I lived in Brisbane for 2 years but I did not able to visit the Reef but maybe this time, I will be able to visit GBR because of this best job posted online which also catch the imaginations of the people around the globe.
What is this global job search?
I found the online ad thru Yahoo!news on the 12th January - when Queensland Tourism (QT) announced the new position - island caretaker of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The online application started on the 10th January and will end on the 22nd of February. Everybody is invited to apply as long as you have the following qualifications.
What are these qualifications?
Well QT emphasized that there is no definitive educational and experience requirements, thus a broad range of experience will be accepted. However, the successful candidate should possess: good swimming skills, enthusiasm for diving and snorkeling, good written and verbal English skills, excellent interpersonal communication skills and engage with other people5, with adventurous attitudes to try new things,and the passion for the outdoors.
Since I have this qualification, without any hesitation I submitted/uploaded a 60-seconds video in English which highlights why I do want the job and how I could help QT achieve their goals in promoting this heritage site globally. As part of the submission, I have to fill-up a brief application form which will be forwarded thru the official website:
It took me two weeks to finally recorded and edited my video clip using my Sony digital camera. While waiting for the approval of my application and the video will be downloaded to the official site of QT, I already did preliminary marketing of my ultimate quest for this job by having new blog dedicated to my application, including several posts to my other travel blogs and community sites. After 12 days of waiting, I finally got an email from QT that my video is already available in the official site and I coud start asking my friends or anybody to watch and of course to vote. Cut and paste the url link below:
How the selection process works?
It is expected that 30,000 applications will be screened by QT towards the last day of submission. My application will be one of the candidates to be subjected in the initial selection of the 50 shortlisted candidates and one "wildcard candidate will be picked by online voting. Eleven finalists will take the final interview to be held in the GBR.
So, what is the catch for this hype search?
IF I COULD GET IN THE TOP 50 SHORTLIST, I will be delighted to ask my friends and online community friends to cast their votes - aiming for the wildcard position. If I could get the attention of the organizer, QT, there is a chance that I will be able to get more votes in support to my quest. If I could also persuade the organizer through my blogs and travel sites that Im the right person for the job - willing to learn new things and challenges. My existing blogs and online review sites could enhance my popularity from the rest of the finalists. This is My Diary.
IF I COULD GET THE TOP ELEVEN FINALIST, then I will be happy to travel to Australia in May to prove to them that Im the best applicant for the best job. My travel will be shouldered by the organiser from UK to Queensland.
IF I COULD GET THE JOB, I will be able to sign a six-month contract and based on luxurious Hamilton Island . My key responsibilities includes: exploring islands of GBR to discover what this heritage area has to offer especially for tourists and the like. I will be feeding the fish, clean the swimming pool, and collect the mail.
IF I COULD GET THIS POSITION AS THE ISLAND CARETAKER, this is my big opportunity to understand the importance of caring our seas and oceans - including the living creatures under it. In some way, I could help QT to manage the Great Barrier Reef in a "sustainable manner" and to prevent this place to be "bleached-out" in 25 years time due to global warming.
IF I COULD GET THIS OFFER IN MAY, I will start my work in July and get a contract salary of £70,000 (A$150,000). If this will happen, I will promise to share my blessings in my home country, helping young children to attend primary and secondary schools. My plan to have a mini-library or information centre in my hometown will come true, benefiting both children and adults.
IF I COULD GET THIS BEST JOB IN THE WORLD, I will also be required to do a weekly reports thru blogging which entails posting of photos and videos about the area, including regular media exposure.
IF I COULD HAVE THIS ULTIMATE DREAM, by the end of my contract as the island caretaker, I have already visited and explored the 2,600 kilometres of this world's largest coral reef system; covering more than 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands; more than 1500 species of fish, 4,000 types of mollusc, 400 different types of coral. Finally, I have seen the most dangerous water creatures: sharks, box jellyfish, scorpion fish, and the blue-ringed octopus.
ON THE OTHER HAND, IF I COULD NOT GET THIS EMPLOYMENT, I will continue to inspire others and to dream big things will not stop. Having this application is fun and have the opportunity to meet friendly people in the internet - people with the same aspirations in life - to explore and travel, and most importantly to protect our environment in a different way. My blogs will still exist and will be the first to know if Im successful to visit the heritage site.
BUT AGAIN, IF I COULD GET THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD, I will be the most happiest living creature on earth to explore this world's largest living organism. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
My Aussie co-candidate breaks the top
Even up to now, I havent receive any confirmation yet from my future employeer that my video (above) is approved for viewing. Im anxious to see my clip in the site and ask my friends to watch and vote for it.
For the meantime, today Im sharing another potential hopeful for the position, of course direct from Australia. She lives in Queensland where the GBR is located and she is currently on the top board for the most popular application. Watch her video and find out why she is popular. What do you think of Hailey Turner, could she make it to the top 50. Maybe yes! 4 stars from me...
It is also fascinating to see that the applicants who are now in the top positions for popularity and most viewed are mostly ladies! It seems that men are watching too much nowadays...
Friday, 30 January 2009
My georgous competitor from the UK
Find more videos like this on Island Caretaker - Best Job in The World
The other things that impressed me and why I featured her video here in my blog is that, we have the same objective why we want the job - to help QT preserve, protect and manage this world heritage site where people around the world could enjoy and will be sustained for the next visitors - 50 years from now or more! What do you think, is she georgous as the island caretaker, then vote now!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
My Proposal: Island Caretaker Applicants' Meet-up 2009/2010

When: between July - Dec 2009 ( November is recommended) or sometime in 2010
What to bring: swimming gears, cameras, videcams, etc. Dont forget to bring a file of your video clip just in case that there is no wireless connection in the island. Each one has the opportunity to introduce themselves in the Welcome Party...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
My popular (and viewed) competitors for the job
According to the site, the clips below are the most popular (maybe in terms of rating stars) and the most viewed(30,307 counts) ones, respectively. Take note that, the most viewed does not really reflects the total number of individual persons watching the video. Even watching it as your own video clip is also counted, which means visits are generated by the owners themselves! The most popular is much more credible. For the most discussed ones, visit the official youtube channel of islandreefjob.
NOTE: Clicking twice the video will direct you to the youtube profile which you could also write your comments and give ratings. Im not sure if the rating posted in the official site and the one in the youtube site is the same. I have noticed that the videos are now uploaded in different channels such as like this islandreef31 with serial numbers after the candidate's name.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
My best competitor so far
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
My funny (short) competitors' videos for the job
Honestly, because of this rare opportunity, whatever it takes, people will do their best, regardless of language barrier! That the spirit of perseverance and determination...Good luck to them!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
My future job's profile

Friday, 16 January 2009
My adviser - BBC News UK

As quoted from the article and my reflections: (watch the video as well, photo above from BBC News UK site)
1. Get the basics things right - in terms of video format application - I have the right format using my Sony DSC W55 digital camera and using the Microsoft movie maker software available in my Sony Viao notebook.
2. Make the video as strong as possible - I dont have a camrecorder which might gives better quality; nevertheless my digicam really reliable to capture my quest for this job. It is candid, relax, and clear.
3. Demonstrate a spirit of adventure - Well my blogs show this adventures and travelling experience. Unfortunately, I dont have extreme sport activities but I will try if it is necessary.
5. Know your marine wildlife - Again, it is bias for people who do not have background (both academic or actual working experience) on marine life and wildlife. There is always time to study/review about these things if I will be shortlisted.
6. Show your genuine love of animals and the outdoors - I love animals but there is no point to mention it or have it recorded for the sake of convincing the judges that I love outdoors! I dont to show them that I can sit besides the tiger or lion or even carrying a python. There are more dangerous than that - pirates and thieves!
7. Enhance your application - 60 seconds not enough to show all but I have included the url of my blogs for them to see that I do blogging and I have the communication skills both oral and writing.
8. Balance the fun factor with a more serious side - Im not nervous but calm doing my clip and at the end my friend who took the clip did something which made it funny to watch, then I laughed!
9. Dont waste money on a course - This is the reason why I make my clip simple and besides I do what QT needs for the job. I can take photographs, record events, and write blogs, including reviews online.
10. Are you sure you're the right person - Honestly, I am left-handed person but Im the right person for the job and I can start in July as soon I receive my airticket from Northern Ireland to Australia. Philippines is just up of Australia so any time I could have a weekend break and market the island to my "kababayans".
What do you think, can I make it in the top 50?
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
My Informant - Telegraph UK
Is it indeed tempting to have a try. Why not. I have the qualifications, expertise and personality to do the job...I am an islandeer - ready to explore new things in a desert island!
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
My informant - CNN London
Monday, 12 January 2009
My Australian Employer
For details watch the clip and visit Island Reef Job. The clip is posted in the official youtube site of islandreefjob. Good luck!
Click the link for the Yahoo!news article